Call Weak GOP Sen Vince Leach! He May Vote To Keep Ducey's Emergency Order

Sources tell me that AZ GOP State Sen Vince Leach is weak and may vote today to keep Doug Ducey's emergency order alive by voting against resolution SCR 1001. It looks like he's on team Ducey because he's telling people he's afraid cities and counties will shut down economies. Of course Leach can work with his fellow legislators and Ducifer to create legislation to stop cities, towns and counties from doing this. And with china virus numbers dropping, how would these local leaders justify shutting down anything? Call Vince and tell your friends to call him to tell him he needs to vote to end the emergency and have a functioning government or we will support his primary opponent and his political career will be over! Call his office, 602-926-3106.

Click here to read the agenda and for a link to watch the meeting live.

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