Garret Talks To Man Booted From TMC Because Of His T-Shirt

Robert called the show to tell his story of being kicked out of TMC by his nurse practitioner because she was offended by his t-shirt.

This is an email I received from Diane. She called TMC to give them a piece of her mind about this story. I hope you call them as well. TMC needs to feel the pressure.

Good Morning, Garret! What a great story...of course I got right on the horn and called those bozos...

First I called Julia Strange, VP of Community Benefit and commented on the fake science mask part of it; and then the shirt incident being a problem for her...

I told them (strongly) that she should be fired - she should not be in the medical profession.

Then I called the CEO - Mimi Coomler...wait til you hear this...she didn't know you but she does now...and I gave it to her good...the shirt, the fake science, that TMC is going to be laughed out of town for speech assaulted by a patient at their hospital, a nurse afraid of medical truth but follows fake science...and I made sure that the Exec Assistant knew that they were not going to be trusted if they can't even denounce the mask hoax.

The CEO has my contact info and will keep me updated...they now know to expect some serious bad PR about this one...

They followed the fake science through the whole 2 years of Fauci's reign of it's payback time...

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