Garret Lewis

Garret Lewis

Drive home with The Afternoon Addiction with Garret Lewis, weekday afternoons from 4pm-7pm. Listen for free on iHeartRadio.


Public School Teachers Refer To Families Using ESA Program As "ESA Holes"

Not only did these disgusting public school teachers from "AZ SOS," the Save Our Schools group, refer to parents that use the Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA) program as, "ESA holes," they were cheered on by a Democrat lawmaker, State Rep Lorenzo Sierra, LD 19.

Democrat State Rep Lorenzo Sierra makes no sense. He is against school choice, SB 1452, which expands the voucher program to give parents more options to move their children out of failing schools and into better schools but somehow compares taking away parents school choice is just like MLK and Rosa Parks fighting for civil rights.

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