The Conservative Circus w/ James T. Harris

The Conservative Circus w/ James T. Harris

The Conservative Circus is an irreverant look at the important issues of the day hosted by your Ringmaster, James T. Harris and his Producer, Aaron. The show is topical, fast paced, fun and unabashedly conservative.


First Model to Wear a Hijab and Burkini in Sports Illustrated Swimsuit

Sports Illustrated is thrilled to announce that Halima Adenis is the newest member of theSports Illustrated Swimsuit family, making history as the first Muslim model to wear a hijab and burkini in the magazine.

No bikini... A burkini and a hijab.

SI Swimsuit issue jumped the shark years ago. Maybe that's why, this?

“We believe beauty knows no boundaries,” said SI Swimsuit editor MJ Day. “I admire Halima, and I consider her an inspirational human for what she has decided to use her platform for and her work with Unicef as an ambassador. She is, in my opinion, one of the great beauties of our time, not only outside but inside. When we met, I was instantaneously taken by her intelligence, enthusiasm and authenticity.”

Okay, but this is not why people (men) buy this particular edition of your magazine!


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